What is Food Sources | Presentation on Food Sources | Major Food Sources

 Food Sources

      The fuel of life is food. Human beings cannot thrive without nourishment. Therefore, it is critical that we understand the true source of our food. Any growing crop, living animal, bird, or fish that is meant to be used as a food source is referred to as a food source (whether by harvesting, slaughtering, milking, gathering eggs or otherwise)

      Food is the source of energy for all living things. Food comes from its origins, which are the organisms and living things that provide it to us.

      Major Food Sources:

      Food comes from two primary sources: plants and animals. Food comes from plants, including grains, cereals, vegetables, and so on. Another source that gives us milk, meat, and eggs is animals.

      All living things on Earth primarily obtain their nourishment from plants and animals. The primary source of protein is found in foods derived from animals, such as fish, milk, meat, chicken, and cheese. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables—which are a great source of fiber, protein, and carbohydrates—are produced by plants.

      Plant Based Food

A vast variety of nutrients needed to maintain the human body in its best order can be found in plants. Humans eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, flowers, seeds like wheat and rice, and even the stems of some plants. Examples of these include lettuce, celery, and carrots.

Vegetables, coffee, grains, legumes, fruits, sugar, spices, oil, etc. are all produced by plants. Different food components are provided by different plant sections.

      Animal Based Food

Animal products are either directly or indirectly used as food. Meat, dairy, and eggs are a few notable examples of animal-based foods.

      Plant Protein VS Animal Protein

Animal proteins are complete proteins, whereas plant proteins are incomplete. This does not mean plant proteins are not as good for your health. It simply means you need a wider variety to give your body the right ratio of amino acids.




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